
About Our Firm

Global Value Investment Corporation is an investment management firm that deploys patient capital to build generational wealth. The firm was founded in 2007 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin as a fundamental value manager with a long-term investment horizon. 

GVIC provides investment research and portfolio management services to individual and institutional clients, primarily registered investment advisors and broker-dealers, through separately managed accounts and private fund investments. 

Though still headquartered in Milwaukee, the firm has grown to attract employees and clients alike throughout the United States and around the world. GVIC’s associates are dedicated to furthering the shared objectives of the firm and its clients. 

As the firm has evolved, its commitment to disciplined, value-oriented investment principles has continued to anchor its philosophy and reward its stakeholders. The firm is 100% employee owned. 

What We Do

We invest in businesses.

The financial services industry has gravitated towards investment solutions that are algorithmic or intended to mimic a reference index, and away from those that are designed around the time-tested principles of security selection. We handpick stock and bonds that we believe possess intrinsic potential, and focus on creating value for our clients through our disciplined investment process. In a sea of sameness, we swim against the current.

We conduct our own research to draw unique conclusions.

Stocks and bonds represent an interest or claim on an underlying business – an operating entity with myriad investment considerations. Our research team intensely scrutinizes businesses, analyzing both numbers and words to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the investments to which we commit our clients’ hard-earned capital.

We construct concentrated portfolios.

Through our rigorous analytical process, we narrow in on a small set of high-conviction investment ideas. By focusing on a limited number of investable securities, we are able to study each in great depth. We believe this creates a distinct information advantage that results in superior performance.

We deploy capital patiently.

Ben Graham, often considered the “father of value investing” famously quipped, “In the short run, the market is a voting machine but in the long run, it is a weighing machine.We firmly believe that long-term investment success requires a long-term investment horizon. Our patience in weathering market cycles has rewarded our clients handsomely in the past, and our resolve to maintain this discipline is unwavering.

What Makes Us Different

Active Engagement

When we invest, we have a responsibility to our clients to hold a company’s management and directors accountable for developing and executing a thoughtful strategy while prudently allocating capital. To that end, we regularly engage with management and directors to inquire about these topics, share our observations, and when needed, advocate for change. Our active engagement leverages a broad spectrum of mechanisms designed to positively impact investor outcomes. 

Information Advantage

Because we construct concentrated portfolios, we are able to dedicated an outsized amount of time to studying each of the companies in which we invest our clients’ capital. We are students of financial statements, and our rigorous quantitative analysis forms the foundation upon which our investment theses are built. But qualitative considerations are equally important, and great effort is dedicated to supplementing our understanding of the numbers with an appreciation of the people and principles behind them. The breadth and dept of our analytical processes enable us to develop a highly differentiated and insightful investment thesis that is expected to develop over a long-term horizon. 

Aligned Incentives

GVIC’s employees are encouraged to invest in the same securities that are owned in client accounts. We believe that putting our own money at risk hones our analytical focus and reminds us that the capital we invest on behalf of our clients often represents a lifetime of hard work. When we deliver exceptional investment performance for our clients, we also succeed for ourselves.

Exceptional Service and Attention

We combine the timeless principles of honesty, hard work, and trust with a high-touch approach to ensure that each of our clients is treated as more than just a number. GVIC’s associates endeavor to know our clients on a first-name basis, making sure each receives thoughtful, hands-on attention and an ongoing dialogue about our investment decisions and how we actively manage our clients’ money. A passionate focus on superior service and providing exceptional, proactive support to foster long-term working relationships defines our approach to client relationships.

Our Team

Meet Our Experts

Our firm culture emphasizes a fierce dedication to practicing our investment discipline and an unwavering commitment to our clients. Firm associates invest in the same securities held in client accounts, thus never losing sight of the fact that we have been entrusted to manage money that often has been earned over a lifetime of hard work.

Advisory Solutions

JP Geygan
JP Geygan

Chief Executive Officer &

JP Geygan
Stacy Wilke

Chief Financial Officer &
Chief Compliance Officer

JP Geygan
Tom Molosky

Vice President –
Client Advisory

Investment Team

JP Geygan
Mac MacLaren

Vice President – Research

satendar photo
Satendar Singh

Research Manager

JP Geygan
Naveen Kumar

Senior Research Analyst

Be Emesal
Be Emesal

Research Analyst

Public Relations & Marketing

JP Geygan
Kathleen Mackey-Geygan

Vice President – Public Relations

Kristin Mastantuono
Kristin Mastantuono

Marketing Director

Board of Directors

Jeff Geygan
Jeffrey R. Geygan

Board Chair

JP Geygan
JP Geygan

Chief Executive Officer & President

JP Geygan
Kathleen Mackey-Geygan

Vice President – Public Relations

Shawn G. Rice


Superior Investing

“Superior investing…requires second-level thinking—a way of thinking that’s different from that of others, more complex and more insightful.”

Howard Marks

Total Return
Value Strategy

Based on value-oriented investment principles that view equity securities as fractional ownership interests in operating enterprises

Concentrated Equity
Value Strategy

Based on value-oriented investment principles that view equity securities as fractional ownership interests in operating enterprises.

Focused Fixed Income
Value Strategy

Based on value-oriented investing principles that view debt securities as contractual claims on the cash flow and/or assets of an issuer.

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Expert Insights

Read the latest market commentary and thought leadership from the GVIC experts. Visit our blog to stay up to date on the latest market trends and value investing insights from our GVIC team.​