Focused Fixed Income Value Strategy

Based on value-oriented investing principles that view debt securities as contractual claims on the cash flow and/or assets of an issuer


Fixed Income

Strategy Description

The Focused Fixed Income Value Strategy is based on value-oriented investing principles that view debt securities as contractual claims on the cash flow and/or assets of an issuer. Securities included in the portfolio are often overlooked or undervalued by market participants for reasons we believe are temporary or unfounded. We seek to invest in debt instruments trading at a discount to par value and expect returns to be attributable to both price appreciation and periodic interest payments. Rigorous financial statement analysis underpins the investment research process and provides critical context to understand qualitative analytical considerations. Particular attention is paid to bond indentures, covenants, the interactions between obligations within an issuer’s larger debt capital structure, and cash flow and asset coverage ratios. US Treasury securities may be included in portfolios to provide additional income and exploit market mispricing of inflation and interest rate assumptions.

Portfolio Construction

Fully invested portfolios hold concentrated debt positions limited to corporate and US Treasury securities that may be investment-grade or non-investment-grade. Our investment horizon provides for each security to be held to maturity, if necessary, to realize its full price appreciation potential. The strategy does not target a specific duration. Trading occurs infrequently, and turnover is expected to be low.

Concentrated positions provide us the potential to profit from the ability to assume prudent idiosyncratic risk.

Long-term investment horizon accommodates the full development of value-creating strategies.

Operational engagement provides a distinct information advantage and may catalyze change when necessary.

GVIC Philosophy

Take a listen as Global Value Investment Corporation CEO and President JP Geygan walks through the six pillars that are foundational to GVIC’s active approach to investing.

Why Choose Us?

Investment Strategies

For investors and advisors who want to do more than go with the flow of large passive funds and other widely held vehicles, value investing provides a differentiated option that can be used broadly or as an effective bolt-on strategy, depending on the specific objectives and investment profile.

Total Return Value Strategy

Based on value-oriented investment principles that view equity securities as fractional ownership interests in operating enterprises.

Concentrated Equity Value Strategy

Based on value-oriented investment principles that view equity securities as fractional ownership interests in operating enterprises.

Focused Fixed Income Value Strategy

Based on value-oriented investment principles that view equity securities as fractional ownership interests in operating enterprises.

Investment Discipline

Our investment discipline is the manifestation of our investment philosophy, and describes how we approach investing in equity and debt securities. Although our analytical processes are similar, each of equity and debt requires unique consideration of an owner’s rights and claims.


Fractional ownership interest in an operating business; we evaluate as perspective of owners of the entire enterprise.

Businesses have value insofar as they generate cash flows or own assets that can be monetized for the benefit of the business’s owners.

Analytical process marries qualitative and quantitative considerations, and valuation is based on a methodology consistent with a business’s economic characteristics.


Contractual claims on the cash flows and/or assets of a business.

Analytical process focuses on a company’s leverage and interest coverage, with additional consideration paid to the durability of cash flows, the value and marketability of a company’s assets, and management’s approach to controlling leverage.

Bond indentures and the rights and recourse available to bondholders are examined.

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